Saturday, October 18, 2014

Super Hero Books!

Super heroes make for good reading. Not just in comics, mind you, but in full-length novel form. There are plenty to choose from, but are the best that I've read so far:

Powerless, by Matthew Cody. Terrible cover, I know, but a damn good book! It concerns super-powered children in a small town who lose their powers on their thirteenth birthday. The solving of the mystery falls to a kid who has no powers. It is very well written, and has two sequels, Super, and Villainous. Check it out.

The Superhuman series by Michael Carroll. Fun stuff, I say! These books take place before his Quantum Prophecy, but were published after. There is a fourth book called Hunter, as well.
See that gnarly-looking guy on the red cover? That's Krodin, the villain. Attacks only work on him once, so he's pretty much unstoppable. Plus he's impossibly strong, like the Hulk or Thor. In the first two books he's the major threat. The third book deals with Brawn, that blue dude. He's a bit of an anti-hero.

The Villain's Sidekick is just plain cool. I bought it on Amazon a while ago and really enjoyed it. That guy with the metal mouth is Handcannon. He gets mixed up in a mystery and has to bring his six-year old daughter with him. Plenty of humor!

The Ex-Heroes series by Peter Clines. Not for kids. Super heroes vs. Zombies! There's even a villain who can possess the minds of zombies; one, two, or a hundred at a time. An engrossing read. Watch out for the guy who can heal any wound. He makes a great vessel for a demon. . .

Brandon Sanderson is awesome, isn't he? His Reckoners Trilogy is exceptional super hero fiction. In this universe, the super humans are called 'Epics', and they are all bad. Steelheart is one of them, very powerful, and is the object of the main character's obsession. Firefight is the second book, and also very good. No one knows how certain people became Epics, and finding out is a thread running through the story. Read it now.

There you have it. Some books to get you going. Now go nerd yourself out!

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