Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Satanic Miracles

The Bible is full of strange stories. That is one reason atheists disregard it. But us Jesus freaks know better. We know what God can do. And you paranormal types know it, too. Both of us aren't afraid to admit there are unseen things happening around us. We just argue about the source: God, Satan, or other? Which brings me to my point:
Who has more power?
The answer is obvious to some of us, but it does appear that Satan has the upper hand. There is war, strife, rape, murder, fear, disease, corruption, and Kardashians. If God were King, none of that would be happening, right? Satan is winning.

Well, he is, in a way. He is called the 'prince of the power of the air'. He is the acting president until the Emperor returns. He stole the authority Adam had in the garden, and exercises it constantly behind the scenes. He even shares his authority and power. In this case, ancient Egypt.

This is the true story of Moses and the exodus from Egypt. You've heard about the plagues and Pharaoh's stubbornness. But did you ever notice those magicians in his court? They had power. Magic power. God gave Moses power as well, and his first miracle was to turn his staff into a serpent. Pretty impressive. But the court sorcerers did the same!

How did they do that? Where did they get that ability? Now Moses' snake ate the magician's snakes, but still, haven't you ever wondered how a pagan magician could duplicate a sign from God?
Makes you wonder about the things that go on today.
These men also turned water into blood. They repeated Moses' miracle somehow. Kind of scary, when you think about it.

 They also repeated the plague of frogs somehow. Why, I do not know. They just added to the problem! (And yes, I realize that Aaron was doing most of the work, but Moses was the guy directing it.) Now when they got to Plague #3, they couldn't do it. They couldn't turn dust into lice. Nor any plague after that. I guess their power had limits.
Like the Devil.
But like I asked earlier, how could they do it at all? Does Satan have power of matter? It appears that he does. He can affect people's minds, but also turn wood to flesh and water to blood.
But isn't that God's jurisdiction?

 The Bible says that people will be deceived by signs and wonders and the workings of Satan. He must have been given power over our material world at some time in the past. I'm sure some of you out there have seen some physical manifestation of the enemy's presence. . .
This reminds me of a story Dave Mustaine told in his autobiography. Yes, the guy from Megadeth. In his younger days, he messed around with black magic. He said he put a hex on someone, and it worked. Two different occasions, if I remember correctly.

Yeah, he's an odd duck, but that doesn't mean his story is false. Be careful what door you open, people! Satan indeed has power here on earth!
But. . .
He didn't part the Red Sea. Or send fire from heaven. Or flood the world. Or stop time. Or send the destroying angel or make a donkey speak. That was GOD. Satan may have sent the storm that killed Job's children, but he didn't create the wind that the storm was made of.
That was God.
So yes, Satan has scary power. And he is using it to deceive the world. We must be able to tell the difference between God's miracles and Satan's tricks. But he is on borrowed time, just like Pharaoh was. God gave him 10 chances to repent. He did not. He gives us many more than that. Don't waste any more time, come to God today.
He will receive you!


  1. Amen! Great topic and truth. Your blog blesses me

  2. Great Post. Very Informative and educational. Thank you for posting

    1. You're welcome, Yannick! And thank you for reading!

  3. What are your thoughts on Gnostic Christianity?

  4. What are your thoughts on Gnostic Christianity?

    1. I can't say I know much about it, except I don't think they looked highly on the body. They thought the flesh and the world was thoroughly evil. Orthodox Christianity sees those things as being corrupt, but not inherently evil. I'm sure there are other differences, but that's only what I remember.

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