Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Mark of The Beast!

Ah, the Mark of The Beast! What is it? That is a good question. And the answer is- I don't know! You could be walking around with that thing on you right now and not even know it. Hell's open maw is waiting to receive your sorry carcass because you've sold your soul to Satan, basically for a sandwich.
How do you like that?

Take a seat, bubba. I just wanted to get your attention. But it is a question that people want to know, usually around Halloween when the Omen movies are shown or when a 'prophecy expert' has a new book. There are only a few verses in Revelation about this subject, and people aren't sure if it already happened or if it will happen later. It ties in with 'The Beast', and whoever takes his mark will be in deep trouble, like Pit-deep. So figure out who The Beast is, and you can determine what the mark is.
But nobody knows who The Beast is.

Historically The Beast was considered a government, usually identified as the Roman Empire. It truly was a beast to the Christians at the time. Most scholars still identify it as a government, but they argue if it was in the past or yet to come. Or both. Either way, the mark is government ordered. At one time Roman coins were thought to be the mark, since they bore Caesar's head on it and you obviously could not buy or sell without it. And Nero's name adds up to 666, so. . .
He was the Beast, as was his empire.
Problem solved!

However, if you haven't noticed, Jesus has not yet returned. So maybe history will return with a sequel. Supposedly, the Pope's Latin title, Vicarius Filii Dei adds up to 666. Remember, the mark is the number of his name. Perhaps he is The Beast.
Now I'm picking on Catholics. Just to make it fair, I'd like to suggest Joel Osteen as a candidate for Beast-hood. He has a big smile, all the more to woo those Protestants.
But back to the mark. How do you avoid it if you don't know what it is? And to make matters worse, there is a whole slew of potential 'marks' to watch out for:
  • a bar code
  • tattoo
  • the gay rainbow
  • microchips
  • Sunday worship
  • social security number
  • Google
A lot of ambiguity there. Sunday worship? C'mon. The social security number is a little worrisome, seeing as how important it is now.

 That's a cool tattoo. And it's on his right hand! He's doomed. In the Bible, it sounds as if the mark will put on the right hand or forehead. But Revelation is symbolic, and the right hand is symbolic of a man's strength or his work, and the forehead is symbolic of thought. Basically, your whole life is marked, or given over to The Beast. You are a slave.

There will always be someone who wants to enslave others. This is nothing new. Giving your soul away to get something you want is dangerous, though. Which I think is the whole point. I personally think there will indeed be a future mark. As our government seeks to intrude in our lives more and more, strip away religious freedom, and enslave us any way it can, I can see them using a mark of some kind. Other countries will follow. But I'm not worried about it. Jesus told His followers not to be afraid, so I won't be.

"Fear not, for I am with you, even to the end of the age."

I can deal with that.



  1. Not sure when it will be either, but the way things are going, it can't bee too far away. Even so, come Lord Jesus...

  2. Ray Kurzweil is one of Americas great inventors. He predicted the internet long before it existed. When asked about the future of technology he said computers will be small so small they will be inside you, We will reprogram your neurons and electrons. The Mark of the beast could much more then we ever imagined.

    1. "Right hand" or "forehead" implies total takeover, which is where some people want to take technology.

  3. Hi Munson,
    Glad to be here today.
    As you said: whatever may be the future developments, like you said, if you are in Christ Jesus, you need not worry!

    Yes, But I'm too, not worried about it. Jesus told His followers not to be afraid, so I won't be.

    "Fear not, for I am with you, even to the end of the age."
    Yes, that is our hope.
    Thanks for this alert and the encouraging note at the end.
    Keep sharing
    Best regards
    ~ Philip V Ariel
