Sunday, August 20, 2017

My Biblical Art

This will be a simple post, a little gallery of my Biblical art that I've done over the years, and some commentary.

I was imagining Noah sitting alone with his tools and blueprints. I bet he was lonely at times, being the only righteous human on earth. No wonder he got drunk after he saw the world die...

Here are Adam and Eve in the Garden. The circles show the days of creation. Yes, it's crooked.

I call this "War" , for obvious reasons. I did this in 2000 but I still like it. I know angels don't have wings in the Bible, but no one would know that it's an angel unless he has wings.

Here is an extra-biblical piece representing Enoch preaching to a nephilim. Enoch was one of only two people who did not die but were taken to Heaven by God. He, like Noah, was a righteous man. He 'walked' with God, meaning he had a relationship with Him.

That's just four pieces; I have more on my Deviantart page. Thanks for looking.

1 comment:

  1. Using my daughters computer now to check out different and what I call weird art for that is what I myself do,,Draw and paint weird and different than most....I love it and enjoyed your page,,Signed, Allyn Jo Carter
