The death penalty is a touchy subject. It deals with DEATH, after all. There are some who believe it is right, that it is necessary, and some who believe the opposite, that it is not just and not the mark of a modern, civilized society. 'Eye for an eye is dead, we can rehabilitate. We don't have to kill the killer.'
But is it the government's job to rehabilitate? No. It's role is to protect it's citizens from threats both inside and out. It is the vehicle of God's justice. If people want to write laws that include rehabilitation of criminals, that's fine. But where is the justice in letting a murderer not pay with his life?
When Noah got off the ark, God told him that "if any man sheds another man's blood, so by man must his blood be shed." In another words, God instituted the death penalty. Before the Flood, violence was the prime characteristic of society. What they were known for. It was so out of control that God was sorry that He had even made Man, and destroyed the world. Once He started over with Noah's family, He had to put a check on the violence that was sure to start again, so He instituted capital punishment. Any newly-formed government had the responsibility to administer consequences to murderers. Their right to life was over because of their crime.
Their are a few arguments against the death penalty, one of which is: "Is it right to kill the killer?" No, it isn't right to seek
revenge, but that's not what capital punishment is about! It's about the government administering justice, and if it's doing that, individuals won't have to seek revenge.
The death penalty has it's flaws, no doubt about that. It's been used to get rid of political opponents and other undesirables, and worst of all, been used to kill innocent men. Putting the wrong person to death is a tragedy. But with DNA testing it's much easier to prove a person's guilt or innocence. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.
Remember that quote from Perry Farrell? "Some people should die, that's just unconscious knowledge..." That one has always stuck with me. There really are people who should die for their crimes. It's called 'execution', which is not the same as 'murder'. Execution is a judgment, murder is a crime. Don't confuse the two! Should a man like John Evander Cooey be allowed to live? If you think so, why? He kidnapped, raped, and murdered a little girl. Why shouldn't he be executed?
(By the way, he died of cancer in prison.)
Here is another argument: If you oppose abortion, you should be consistent and oppose the death penalty, too.
This is an asinine argument. Abortion is the murder of unborn children who committed no crimes, while the death penalty is the punishment for murder. In one group, innocents die. In the other, guilty die. Killing unborn babies is not justice, executing murders is.
Sometimes, I think people get so caught up in a 'feel-good' moment they can't tell their ass from their elbow.
What did Jesus say about the death penalty? Nothing. Did He overturn it in Israel? No. He didn't talk about it, much like He didn't talk about homosexuality. He didn't need to. He talked about self-righteousness, repenting from sin, and following Him. Remember, It was He who gave the government the sword back in Genesis chapter 9. It is allowed and expected to use it under the right conditions.
Personally, allowing a murderer to live off our taxes for decades because someone is too weak to execute them or because the prison system likes the money is stupid. There is no justice in that! Flip the switch! Sometimes that is what's needed. If lethal injection is inhumane, then go back to the firing squad. It's quicker and cheaper. Remember the victim! The murderer is human, too, but he lost his privilege to live when he planned and then killed someone.
Some people should die, that's just
conscious knowledge.
A Nazi general |