Sunday, January 10, 2016

SAVED! What does that mean?

Thank you to Russia!
Somebody over there has been looking at this blog quite a lot this past week. Here is a new one for you:

Christians use the word "saved" like everyone knows what it means. But what does it mean? Saved from what? And how?
'Salvation' is a magnificent word, especially in New Testament terminology. It means to be rescued from damnation. When Christians say "saved", they are talking about being saved from the eternal consequences of sin. 'Going to Hell', as it is said. Jesus Christ is the One who saves. The Rescuer. He is the shepherd who goes out and finds the lost sheep and brings them home.
They become His.

Now let me explain a few things. This isn't religion. Religion is man's way of reaching God. It doesn't work. He isn't listening. If man invents a way to please God, how does he know that it's really pleasing Him? But if God tells man how to please Him, there's no question that it works. That is a relationship established by God. Notice that when Jesus came here, He didn't come here as a rule-enforcer. He came as the Savior. He healed people, raised the dead, comforted the hurting. He brought people back to Yahweh. He was and is the bridge to Heaven.

When a person gets "saved", it isn't a religious experience, it is being "born again", or literally becoming a new creation. Your flesh doesn't change, but your spirit does. There is a 'quickening', a rejuvenation that happens as God's Holy Spirit actually comes to live in your body and bond with your spirit. You are no longer alone! There is now an awareness that was not there before. An intimate knowledge of God that was impossible before. This is not simply an emotional response to a good sermon, but a transformation that only God can do.

Yes, people can get emotional when they become a Christian. They should! You have just realized your need of a savior and received His pardon. You were guilty of offending a holy God, and yet He forgave you anyway based on the sacrifice of His Son. Of course you should cry, or shout for joy!
But make no mistake: Christians, real born-again believers in Jesus, have what others do not, which is a relationship with the Creator. They know this because they have faith in the message they heard. And because of that faith, Jesus sends His Spirit to live in them and seal them for future residence in Heaven. God has made them aware of Himself. It isn't a person's imagination or fantasy-prone flare-up, it's real.

This is not easy to explain, but I can tell you that God really does live in me. At one time, He did not. Then He did. And there was a difference between the two states. Sure, at first that outward behavior did not change. Inside, however, was a new awareness of right and wrong, a heightened sense of conscience. I knew God was there with me. It wasn't a feeling, but an supernatural knowledge that was beyond emotion. Eventually the outward behavior changed and I wanted to know God more, to love Him and listen to Him.

Christians do get mixed up and manipulated, and can appear to be flaky and strange. And...sometimes we are! But that does not change the message: Man sins, he is unholy and does not deserve a place in a perfect Heaven. God loves man anyway, and prepared a sacrifice to atone for man's rebellion. That sacrifice is Christ. Believing in Him, trusting Him for your eternal life will bring the Holy Spirit into you, who will then save you from eternal punishment and prepare you for eternal life with God.

It's simple, yet difficult. Difficult to follow this Jesus. But the rewards are immeasurable!


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