Friday, May 22, 2015

Jesus vs the Tree

Sometimes plant life doesn't have a good relationship with God. All the trees and grass were destroyed in the Flood, the trees of Egypt got blasted during the Exodus, and a little fig tree got cursed by the King of Kings.
Poor trees!

In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus went to procure for Himself a fig. What He found was a fig-less fig tree. That's like finding a roll-less Swiss Roll. It's unnatural! Apparently Jesus felt the same way,because He cursed that fig-less fig tree! Pow!

According to Matthew, who was there, it withered immediately. This was the real Pre-Wrath view, where our Lord tests His destructive powers on the landscape. That poor fig would never have baby figs. . .

What had the hapless tree done to deserve such treatment? To wither beneath its master's voice? Simply put, it forsook its purpose of making figs. It had become pointless and useless.
Like our Congressmen!

It also serves as a good example of a Christian who bears no fruit. He spiritually withers to the point of being useless, like an empty salt shaker. Nobody wants to reach for the salt shaker only to find it salt-less. Just like no one wants to reach out to a Christian only find out they are empty with nothing to give.
So be a tree, brothers! With big, fat fruit!



  1. Awesome blog and a great reminder that Jesus wants us to bear fruit

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