Saturday, April 4, 2015

Ugly Little Bubbleheads

Anybody out there ever seen a Bubblehead? You know: four feet tall, big eyes, bald, spindly limbs? Commonly called "Greys" (Or is it "Grays"?). That stereotypical alien made ubiquitous by abduction stories and Hollywood. And Whitley Strieber.

What are they? Are they real? Are they hallucinations brought on by fantasy-prone individuals who watch too many sci-fi flicks? Hoaxes?
All the above, of course.
What we do know is that they operate in secret. When is the last time they walked the mall? And why do they appear at night when people are sleeping? What is it about sleep that brings out aliens and  demons?

Lots of questions, yes. But for those who believe the extraterrestrial hypothesis, ask yourselves why they don't reveal themselves openly and why they experiment on people. An advanced race has to terrorize people? For what reason? If you could travel across light years, would you hide yourself and steal sperm?
Evil operates in secret.

Perhaps they are not E.T.'s, but evil spirits. Abductions have a lot in common with demonic visitations. There is a growing trend who believe this, or at least believe we are dealing with extradimensional visitors and their vehicles, even if they don't want to go so far to say it may be satanic.
No matter how you look at it, it's weird.

Here's a recent spin on all this: Area 51 is a recent book by Annie Jacobsen. At the end, she records a conversation she had with an old engineer who supposedly saw the Roswell craft and its occupants. This man said they came from Josef Stalin, who sent them to America to draw attention to their surprise landing, which would give Russia the opportunity to attack. The "aliens" were supposed to land in a city, but crashed in New Mexico instead. The Army said it was a weather balloon.
And those pilots? They were surgically altered children, made by Josef Mengele.

What? You don't buy it? It's probably more plausible than aliens. In fact, it may be more horrifying. What man can do to each other is evil enough without adding in the supernatural, and Mengele was a sick, sick man.
Artificial Bubbleheads. . .

My own opinion is that "abductions" are demonic in nature, meant to steer people away from the belief in God. They tend to denounce Christianity and distort the nature of Christ. They have called themselves "Elohim" to connect themselves to the Hebrew God. They make themselves out to be God in the minds of people who believe in them.
They are messengers with a lie.

As for UFO's, there are many explanations for them: clouds, flares, planes, hoaxes, giant alien beings, evil spirits, secret experimental aircraft. Shoot, if we can split the atom and go to the moon, I think we can devise a craft that moves at impossible speeds. It doesn't have to be from another galaxy. And those Bubbleheads? They've created a good story, which this guy with the funny hair passes along:

But. . .maybe he's right in a way. Maybe "they" have stuck their skinny necks in our business for a long time now. He thinks they're aliens, I think they're evil angels. They are both otherworldly.

What do you think?


1 comment:

  1. Agent 54's Ancient Ancestors were Aliens.

    I have proof on my blog.
