Saturday, March 21, 2015

Christian Metal!

Yes, Christians make metal. And it's good, too. Way beyond Stryper now! Whether or not you think Christians should play metal isn't the point here today. The point is, can they rock?
Yes, they can!
Let's look at a few Christian metal bands, in all the sub-genres, and see if they "measure up".

But hold on! Let me clarify something. Christian metal has come a long way. No longer is it a clone factory, putting out sanitized versions of Ride The Lightning. No, not anymore. They are doing their own thing in the genres of their choice, sometimes blurring the lines between them. You know, innovating.
Let's go.


Perhaps the most well-known Christian metal act right now. They began as nu-metal but morphed into. . .whatever they are now. Metalcore-thrash-death, I guess. Well, Extremist was quite mainstream. Sorry boys! Get heavy again. But hey, if you listen to everything up to that point, you'll be all right. World is a Thorn is a great album, as is this song, The World is a Thorn.
And supposedly their music was used to interrogate terrorists.
Can't get anymore metal than that.


Metalcore that's super heavy. "Nothing Left" is an awesome song, man. They freakin' deliver on this album and the one after- oh wait. We can't talk about them anymore.



Good ol' European black metal. Or unblack, seeing as how they are Christian. This form of metal brings out the weirdos, let me tell you. They like to play dress-up, like right here:

I'm pretty sure he has corpse-paint on under that hood. What, you don't what corpse paint is? Keep reading. But first, listen to this song, Eternal Emperor. Keyboards and everything. Why am I not mentioning Antestor? Because that's too obvious. But here, have a look at one of their covers:

There you go, you Antestor fans. Next up, right between black and death metal, there is:


There's the corpse-paint I was talking about! These guys are considered "blackened death metal". Which means it's good. Really heavy stuff. They have three albums so far, but check this one out. Go ahead, look:

Awesome art! Infinite Titanic Immortal is one monstrous album. It will blow you away.


Death metal, the guttural kind. Unintelligible. I was tempted to put Impending Doom or Pantakrator, but this art was way too cool not to put it up. Besides, you need some grunting today anyway. Broken Flesh is loud, obnoxious, brutal noise, like an acid bomb at midnight on an open lake. (Hi Joe!)


With such Christian classics as "Jesus Saves" and "Disciple" these guys are really on fire for the Lord. Singer Tom Araya is a good Catholic guy who-wait a minute.

I think I've got the wrong thrash band. . .


Imagine Joey Belladonna singing for Metallica in 1985. That's what these guys sounded like. Throw in a little Death Angel, too. I think they were called "Metalliclones", but a cool riff is a cool riff. Wait about 50 seconds, then it really kicks in.
Faster for the Master!



The glory of power metal! My new favorite kind of metal. The rousing guitars and choruses, the high notes, man. . . I used to hate power metal, but I dig it now. Maybe 'cause I'm getting old. But this stuff really pumps you up. Formed by Matt Smith, they used to a one-man band, but he hired some dudes and formed a real band. Here's a song for you: Nailed. This guy can sing. Reminds me of old Queensryche, but a lot better. No filler, more rock. Just a great band. Maybe more like Fates Warning or Dream Theatre than Queensryche. You be the judge.

This is just a small smattering of Christian metal. There are a lot more good bands out there, so go look for 'em. In the meantime, hit some links here and give a listen. Good music is good music.

So turn it up!


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