Sunday, November 8, 2015


Halloween, Christmas, Easter. "Holidays" that really exist in a fantasy-land. You'll notice two of those days are in a different color. That's because they link to two other posts of mine which are freakin' fantastic pieces of fine literature.

Halloween just passed. What did you do? Did you dress up the kids and march around your neighborhood collecting candy? Why? Because that's what we did as kids? Why did we do that?

Some would say because it's fun. And it is. But have you ever noticed how you feel when the trick-or-treating is over, or when you're done unwrapping the presents, or finished finding the eggs? You might feel empty, like a dream just ended.
That's because it did. I think we enter a fantasy world three times a year, and when the day is over, the bubble bursts. The next is back to normal, like nothing happened. The festivities are forgotten and the "holiday spirit" has evaporated.
We spent all that time preparing for...what exactly?

We celebrate something at Christmas, but I'm not sure what. For Christians, it is supposed to be about Christ's birth (Christmas), but it kind of isn't. Sure, we have the holiday services, but that's for an hour, which can't compete with the two months of time leading up to the Big Day. It's really about the lights, the spectacle, the gifts. And when the 26th comes, the fantasy is over. The jolly elf is gone, nowhere to be found. We must then wipe away the evidence by putting away the presents and taking down the decorations. A lot of people try to hold on to that mystical feeling by leaving the tree up for another week or more, but it all fizzled out upon waking up the Day After.

Easter is another one. Some say it's pagan, some say it's Christian, some it's both. But really it's something else: A cartoon! Bunnies? Eggs? One big bunny who delivers them all? Sounds like a cartoon to me.

He doesn't like the pastels either.

We tell kids about fake entities and then tell them later that they don't exist. How stupid is that? We are perpetuating a myth...

Modern Christmas was invented by a few well-intentioned men who wanted to create an American family holiday. It worked! (I guess Thanksgiving wasn't good enough. You know, the holiday where we give thanks to God while gathered together as a family). Modern Easter took root in Germany around the 1500 and 1600's, then spread to America. How it got merged with The Resurrection I don't know, but perhaps the Roman Catholic Church had something to do with it.
Or Hallmark.

So basically we are celebrating ancient pagan traditions through the lens of commercialism. Exploit those religions!

Gotta keep it going. It's the money, honey. Holiday movies, music, toys, decorations. "The Christmas Spirit" and all that.
In other words, a fantasy.

So what do we do? Do we celebrate the pagan side, or the Christian side? Or just have fun living out the fantasy? Or not celebrate at all?
(If you decide to not tell your kids about Santa, or the Bunny, or even the Tooth Fairy, you will be ostracized, at least a little. After all, everyone does it and so should you!)

In any event, It's still sort of a free country, so you can celebrate any way you want. Just ask yourself: What am I doing and why am I doing it?


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