Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Satan Answers Prayers

When we pray to God, it is said that He answers with a "yes", a "no", or "not now". But what if He doesn't answer at all, and Satan does? Can he do that?
I don't see why not. As we saw in the post 'Satanic Miracles', Satan does have power here on earth. I do believe he can answer a prayer. He can intercept them, too. Look at Daniel 10:13. The angel Gabriel tells Daniel he was delayed for 21 days by the Prince of Persia, which evidently was a powerful evil spirit.  Daniel had to wait 3 weeks for an answer to prayer because of demonic intervention! If Satan and his angels can delay a prayer, surely they can answer one.

Especially if you set yourself up for it. I once prayed that God would show me if He wanted me to go to school and get a new job, or stay where I was at. I already believed that He wanted me to stay, but I wanted to leave. So I prayed, and within a minute, a friend called and told me that AT&T was looking for people.
An answer to prayer!

(Oh look, a normal picture. No fangs or scales on this guy.) But this answer didn't feel right. It contradicted what I already believed. I didn't feel it was time to leave my job, but see, I wanted to. And because I wanted my own will, it gave Satan permission to answer my prayer.

I tried to get a job at AT&T, but it didn't happen. I guess I wasn't supposed to get it, despite that prayer! I just interpreted that quick answer as a message from God. I mean, who else would answer? This is one reason there is so much flakiness in the church today. People thinking they heard from God when in fact He said nothing at all.

(Atheists are shaking their heads right now, especially after seeing GC up there. I've got more fodder for you, hold on. . .)
So does Satan answer prayers all the time? I don't know. It would be interesting to hear what a Satanist has to say. One time, though, is enough to set you on the wrong path. Satan enjoys deceiving; it's what he does. He will try his hardest to keep us from God. He hates us, and hates God. He invented every form of lie known to man. He can and will answer prayers and make you think it was God.
This is what he does best.

Read 1 Kings 22. This doesn't specifically say that Satan answers prayers, but it does say God will send lying spirits to deceive those who are rebelling against Him! Israel was an apostate nation at that time, and God asked a group of spirits if any of them would "go forth and persuade Ahab to go up, that he may fall at Ramoth Gilead". (Go to war and be killed.) One spirit stepped forward. God asked him how he would do it, and he said he would be "a lying spirit in the mouths of the prophets". God agreed and told him to go. Well, Ahab believed the lie, and died. The king and the people had opened themselves up to deception, and this is what they got:

The Bible says that God will give people over to deception because they would not believe the truth. They will want the lie, and He will give it to them. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 for yourself. This goes hand in hand with Satan's miracle-working.
Here is the point: Satan will answer prayers, perform miracles, give signs, anything to move us away from God. Be alert, then, and listen to His Holy Spirit. Be humble, and desire Christ more than your own ways. Cultivate that relationship with God like Moses and the prophets of old did. When you know the voice of the Shepherd, you won't believe the lies of The Enemy.
It's only going to get worse.


  1. This is an excellent and timely blog. The Bible says there will be a falling away and men will believe every wicked lie in end of days. Loved the blog

    1. Thank you, and you are correct. We like lies, don't we?

    2. Lies are weak like the the shadows resting in fear a 6year old can keep a darkspirit away all he need to say make it leave like poision the child becomes to it thats why i try to find people in need before it befriends the child timing is crushal have a good night

  2. Very good lets set the record straight we are the children not the parent we get what we need and sometimes nothing a sacrofice was made to save us from god because man like lucifer believe we are equals and are owed something simple minded man like lucifer have faith it will come

  3. One more thing if athiest dont believe in god why do they spend there lives and money trying to prove there is no tooth fairy oh wait they dont fear tooth fair but god thanks

  4. in total agreement, and you said it well. listening to God, and know His voice, is a constant endeavor. being in the Word, and sensitive to the Holy Spirit is the answer to our quandry of "what does He want for me"? i believe He loves us enough to give us the freedom to make certain choices in our lives, i.e. jobs, where we live, but as long as He is Lord, our choices will be in line with living for Him. anyway, well thought out and written. i enjoyed the read.

    1. You're comment is right on the money, Shirley! Thank you!

  5. Satan answering prayers almost sounds blasphemous, but you break it down really simply. Satan and his minions tell us what we want to hear, they play to our pride. Your given example is pretty much perfect at conveying this.

    1. Thanks! It does almost sound blasphemous. But if he can animate rods, he can answer a prayer, too. Pride lets him in.

  6. i see i've read and commented before on this. i didn't remember so thanks for the second time. one thought. is Satan omnicient? does he know everything i am thinking? i don't know, but i don't think so. he can't read my mind. just a thought.

    1. I doubt he can read your mind. But demons watch people and put ideas in our heads, so it may appear that way.

  7. Hello ! I want to say that Satan has existed since the existence of God . Say one cannot exist without the other ...
    Some of us are made in a certain way and want to experience life differently . Satan is considered as the king of the earth and giver of pleasure of body mind and soul . While God is the giver of spirituality the life after death . Everything to be done on this Earth or this lifetime is to prepare for after death. I choose to live now and here. I feel it so easy to speak to Satan and I feel his presence immediately. Like that friend or brother or mate call him as you like always by your side . I don't feel any evil sensation rather one of peace and comfort . I want to live this life not prepare for another somewhere else . Satan does exist but not understood . He is as good as you and me .. Hail Satan !

    1. Who you serve now prepares you for the life you will have after death. Satan is a liar and will trick you into thinking you can have it all without Christ. Each person’s sin must be forgiven by God through Jesus, or else one suffers the penalty for that sin.
