Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Priest Who Does Not Die

Melchizedek. Say it with me. Mel-kee-zuh-dek.
Melchizedek, great  High Priest of God most High. A mysterious man who pops up in Genesis 14:18. He's in two verses and the disappears. He brought bread and wine to Abraham, blessed him, and received a tithe of all his plunder. In his bag were the severed heads of five Sodomites and a Gomorrahn's leg bone. He wielded a rusty scimitar and had ears-

Okay, maybe not. Wrong book. But he did show up to bless Abraham in the name of Yawheh, the God of gods and Creator of the universe (Jesus' father). This happened as The King of Sodom was about to reward Abraham for rescuing his people. Abe didn't take a thing, by the way. He didn't want anything to do with him, sicko that he was.

Melchizedek would later be seen as a 'type' of Christ in the book of Hebrews. He is "without father, without mother, having no genealogy, no beginning or ending".
That's like Supreme-Being-sounding!
Well, He wasn't divine. What the unnamed author's point was that Melchizedek had no record of parents, birth, or death. His priesthood had nothing to do with lineage or birthright.

He had been appointed by God Himself.
Much like Jesus, who was appointed as Great High Priest because of His indestructible life. Him being from the wrong tribe didn't matter. Since He fulfilled the old Law, he was no longer bound by it after He ascended to heaven.

Which means that since He is the High Priest, we as Christians can go straight to Him without the rituals of confessing to a priest. It isn't necessary to do that. Where once it was the rule to take your sacrifice to the priest so he could offer it up for you, we can now take our sin directly to the Priest, who has already made a one-time sacrifice for us all.

There is no middle man!


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