Saturday, January 31, 2015

Artists Are Weird

Artist tend to be weird. So do musicians and writers. Eccentric, peculiar, strange. If a man plays death metal, he has to be insane. If a woman writes horror, she'd screwed in the head. If they paint alien landscapes, they are warped. You know how it is. The art reflects the heart. And to some extent I think that's true. Is Stephen King okay in the membrane? Was H.R. Giger normal? Surely the guys in Canibal Corpse are disturbed. Whatever is inside the soul makes its way out through the pen, the paint brush, the voice.
But I'm not complaining.
Let us look at some modern art, shall we? Weird modern art that you make you gape in wonder or shrivel in terror:

Zdzislaw Beksinski was a Polish painter. Was because he got stabbed 17 times in 2005 by the teenaged son of his friend. What a way to go at 75! He left behind a large body of work, none of which could be sold as wall décor at Walmart:

I think he waited to long for the groundhog.

Joel Osteen's new church.

Dr. Manhattan?

This gravedigger did a half-cocked job. Bum. This last piece was used as an album cover for metal band Antestor. I can't explain all the fingers:

Speaking of metal bands, Dan Seagrave does plenty of album covers for the death metal genre. From Morbid Angel to Demon Hunter, he is in demand. He lives in Canada, but grew up in England. He hasn't been stabbed yet, but maybe he'd paint it for you:

That's the Demon Hunter logo in the center. The Crystal Cathedral?

A bad experience in a McDonald's bathroom.


Krypton on crack?
Isn't this an R.E.M. song? Shiny Happy People? Dan is a self-taught artist, which means he is awesome. I wish I was half as good!

Lastly, Marc Cooper of Mind Rape Art paints some whacked-out stuff. Nightmare-induced landscapes and abysmal humanoids populate his art. Go and see:

What the hell is that? What was going on inside his head? Now look at this:

That is the cover to Rings Of Saturn second album. Death metal bands have the best album covers. Imagine if Lionel Richie had a cover like this:

Oh, what a feelin', when we're dancin' on the ceiling! Can you see it?

Maybe Barry Manilow  will use this one. I'm amazed at this guy's art. Sure it's weird, but wow, he's good! There are countless more pieces, but this blog may never load if I jam it up with too many images.

So there you have it: Art by apparently disturbed members of our society. However, these guys aren't eccentric in person. They seem to be normal. Beksinski was said to be pleasant with a sense of humor. But, is art a window into the heart? If so, what's in that window?



  1. I know I use mine as an outlet... mainly why many of my cap. pics are not shown, because they represent aspects of my personality I'm not to proud of(better to have it drawn, than to go out &do. it;). just like when people ask me to draw, them, I always warn them I'll draw like I see you, which usually isn't the way they see themselves.. ;)

  2. Some of the best art will make your hair curl!
